Tuesday, May 2, 2017

My Social Media footprint

This is a google drawing of mine that I just created in Health. We had to create our own footprints and add in the current apps/sites we've been on in the last 48hours. As you can see that on the bottom of the footprint is a large photo of google drive and apps around it that relates. The reason why we are learning about SM is because we have been using SM alot, leaving behind bad/good footprints. I learnt today that everything that we do using wifi is not private as we think it is. What I'm going to do from now on is to always leave a smart footprint, because I'll never know when someone's watching me.  

Wednesday, March 29, 2017

My well-being

In this photo, there are 5 logs that represents my well being. This includes God in the center and my outsides, parents, sports, education and my siblings. Wheres my family is the bottom where everything comes out of like God. My family introduced god to me. Where's my roof would be my culture. My culture is very important to me. My culture is the reason why I'm like this. Reason why I am respectful, helpful, and many other positive things. My ancestors taught me these things. My outside is my friends because they are always there for me. This is my Well Being.  

Thursday, March 16, 2017

Social Action in Social Studies

  • Today our group…
We learnt about the definition of Social Action. Which means “Taking steps to “change” things that are wrong in our society, and introducing new ideas, process for doing things better in the future.
  • each member of the group worked on
Each of our team members were working on categories which was putting them in order. Matching the categories with the 4 subjects
  • Fundraising only actions
  • Raising awareness only actions
  • Actions that pressure or lobby the government
  • Actions that fundraise and raise awareness  
  • … a part we found interesting was…
The part that we found interesting was when we had to match the categories with the 4 social action subjects.
  • a part we need help or assistance with is
The part we needed assistance with was to try and understand what the definition of some words mean.

Sunday, March 12, 2017

Te Reo

Today my group R.A.T.A decided that we will be working on Te Reo government problems. We read about a current issue that Maori people are afraid to speak Te Reo publicly and that the government is doing less to keep Maori language alive. As a group we discussed that some solutions this is that the government should make it strict that young Maori children should learn Te Reo wherever they go on Monday and Friday afternoons.

Saturday, March 11, 2017

My Vision/Dream/Board

In Careers class, our teacher Miss Bailey created each of us a site. Part of this site we had to
make a vision board to add to our site. So this is my vision board that I created showing all
about me.

Toku Pepeha

Last week in Maori, we had to create a presentation about ourselves which
is called in Maori "Toku Pepeha". I didn't know we were only supposed to
put pictures in but I was on to it and put information about each slide. So the
top presentation would be the one with only the pictures. But the presentation
below would be the one I put information in each slide. So check our these
slides and find out more about me.

H20 = WATER!

In the last few weeks, our science class has been learning about water. What I
found out about water is that it can contain anything. In this presentation is
a whole lot of information I learnt about water. Some of them are just my